Find the right Loft Conversion Designers and Builders in the United Kingdom

Loft Conversion Pros is a free service that helps you find the perfect home loft conversion pro for your project. Simply describe your project, and we'll give you a list of up to 5 local designers/builders who fit your requirements for free.

All of our 200+ pros covering the United Kingdom have extensive portfolios and a 4.8+ ⭐ rating.

Join the 3400 homeowners who found the right service professional for their project with us.

Our Process

When you're planning a new loft conversion, you have a lot of decisions to make. One of the toughest is choosing the right company for the job. Don't worry, let us do all the hard work for you. We'll shortlist them for you so that you can easily compare costs before making a decision.

1. Define your project details

Fill in the 7 step project assessment form above. We may get in touch with you for more details before matching you.

2. Connect with short listed pros

We handpick up to five available loft Conversion pros who cover the U.K. and have relevant experience with projects matching your requirements.

3. Start your Project

Get Quotes from your selected pro(s) and get your project started.

Customer Stories

We connected 2500 homeowners with the perfect designer/builder for their project in 2025



{1} were professional, helpful and very easy to deal with. Once they had found me a suitable architect we were able to get the drawings and planning permission very quickly. I would definitely recommend {1} to anyone looking for an architect or builder in {0.boroughand}.



After some research I found Loft Conversion Pros and decided to use them. They helped me find a great architect and the project went really smoothly. When we had a problem with the council, they helped me find someone who could help out.



We found our builder through Loft Conversion Pros, and the whole process was very easy. It's a great way to connect with local architects, who we would otherwise have never come across.



I would have no hesitation in recommending Loft Conversion Pros to anyone who is looking for an architect or builder for their loft conversion project. I think they are a great service and I will definitely be using them again in the future if we need another project done.

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Get started right away to avoid disappointment. Our specialists will give price quotes as quick as possible.